Dallas County Board of Education fills positions

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Selma-Times Journal

Superintendent Dr. Fannie Major-McKenzie and the Dallas County Board of Education approved nominations for county school positions at its regular meeting Thursday.

“I would like to welcome Dr. Queen Morrow,” said McKenzie. “She is my nomination for the assistant principal at Dallas County High School.”

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“I look forward to working with the faculty, staff, and parents at Dallas County,” responded Morrow.

The board also approved ElWanda Penn as Career Tech director, Curtis Williams as assistant principal at Southside High School, and Susan Morgan as principal at J.E. Terry Elementary.

In the superintendent’s administrative report, McKenzie informed the board that Mary Cofield, a librarian at Southside Primary, will be on military leave from Aug. 4-18 at Fort McClellan, Ala. McKenzie also mentioned the upcoming Institute on Aug. 6 at Wallace Community College Selma. The Institute is required of all employees.

The superintendent’s contract was brought to attention, and McKenzie asked for an “extension of contract” and a “cost of living adjustment.”

Dallas County Commissioner Connell Towns was reassured of the board’s commitment to the baseball field at Craig Field. Towns is hoping to raise the funds necessary to add lighting to the field, and his efforts were applauded by the board.

Bruce L. Holmes Sr., president of the PTO at Southside High School, presented issues to the board including requesting a registered nurse on the Southside premises at all times and upgrading the level of security.

In other business, the board approved the monthly financial report, an equipment bid with Goodwin Brothers, a juice bid with U.S. Beverage, Inc., and a fire suppression bid with Brendle, Inc.

The board will have its next regular meeting on Monday, Aug. 27 at Martin Middle School at 6 p.m.