Blood drive exceeds goal

Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 15, 2007

Another chance to give set Tuesday

By Tammy Leytham

The Selma Times-Journal

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Folks in Selma &8220;Rock n’ Rolled up their Sleeves&8221; Tuesday during a blood drive held by the Black Belt Service Center of the American Red Cross.

In fact, the Red Cross exceeded its goal of 21 units, with 41 units of blood donated during the drive, which had the &8220;rock n’ roll&8221; theme.

Pittman said that if you double the 41 units that were collected, &8220;that is how many lives the Selma community actually saved.&8221;

During last week’s blood drive, some who showed up to give blood were turned away. To give donors another chance to give, a second blood drive will be held from 1 to 6 p.m. this Tuesday, July 17 at the Red Cross Service Center on Selma Avenue.

Pittman encourages those who want to donate this Tuesday to make an appointment by calling 202-8783.

Again, the goal is to collect 21 units.

During the summer, people travel, and go on vacations, and they’re not in their regular routines.

To donate blood:

& You must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds, be in good overall health and have not donated in the last 56 days (8 weeks).


Eat and drink before you come to give blood. Don’t skip meals before or after you give blood. Stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids without caffeine, preferably water before and after the donation.


If you have been temporarily deferred before because of a low iron count, eat raisins, whole grains, red meat, or leafy green vegetables before you come to donate.


Bring a picture form of identification with you.

Staff writer Victor Inge contributed to this report.