Library a treat for youngsters

Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 28, 2007

To the Editor:

The citizens of Selma and Dallas County need to be aware of the absolutely wonderful public library we have.

Becky Nichols and her staff continue to make this small town library one of the most inviting, delightful and educational libraries in Alabama.

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Recently, I have had several grandchildren visiting me and the pleasure they have received from the ceramics, the kite making, the circus and the other terrific programs was amazing.

We, as citizens of Selma and Dallas County, need to encourage our public officials to continue to support the marvelous work done by the library staff.

If you have not been to the library, if you have not taken your children or grandchildren this summer, you have missed a real treat.

We are fortunate to have such innovative and creative people employed to operate our library.

Remember, citizens, it is our library.

To all those in control of funding programs for our library, before you vote no to funding, you need to go and see for yourself how truly outstanding the Selma-Dallas County Public library is.

Carolyn W. Dunaway

Valley Grande