Stay cool in hot weather

Published 12:00 am Monday, June 11, 2007

Last week, our area experienced some record-breaking temperatures and forecasters are predicting it will be Thursday before we receive any relief.

As a result, Selma and Dallas County are under a heat advisory.

Dallas County Health Department officials warn citizens of the hazards of temperatures more than 100 degrees.

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It’s a good time to practice common sense – don’t exercise outside in the middle of the day. Drink plenty of water. Remember that caffeine and alcohol can contribute to

dehydration, so soft drinks or adult beverages are no substitute for H2O.

Officials also ask residents to keep an eye on elderly neighbors, who may be in homes not well ventilated or without air conditioning.

In addition, residents are reminded not to leave children or animals in a parked vehicle. Even in the shade, temperatures can rise to dangerous levels within minutes.

When the external temperature is around 100 degrees, the body temp can go up to 105 degrees in 10 to 15 minutes, according to health officials. That could cause a heat stroke. It can even cause death, or permanently disable a child or adult.

Symptoms of heat stroke include red, hot and dry skin; rapid, strong pulse; throbbing headache; dizziness; nausea and confusion.

If you feel any of these symptoms, get in the shade or cool down rapidly with a cold shower. If a person is unconscious, cool them off in a cold tub, and call 911.

But things don’t have to get to that point.

Let’s use precaution and common sense and stay safe until we get relief from the hot weather. After all, it won’t be long and we’ll be complaining about the cold.