On the positive side

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 30, 2007

To the Editor:

Too often we tend to overlook positive things within our community and dwell on negatives. Many of the people I speak with when asked if they subscribe to The Times-Journal reply they don’t because The Times-Journal never gets anything right. Well, I’d like to come to the defense of our local paper and commend them for their steadfast support of veterans and patriotic holidays. The coverage leading up to and including Memorial Day, in my judgment, was superb.

As you know, I have been a contributor to The Times-Journal for several years and found their willingness to accommodate the veteran community to be outstanding. Their support of our veterans of the Month series has been unwavering.

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Another positive issue of importance to veterans and veterans’ families was the recent vote, unanimously, by the city council to suspend the fee charged to veteran families to set Veteran Administration headstones in city cemeteries.

The fee had been imposed in 1999 and seemed unfair to charge families of those who have served our community, state and nation in the armed forces. Fortunately, after reading our resolution pertaining to the matter, Mayor Perkins and the entire Selma City Council were in agreement.

Thank you, City of Selma, for supporting those who defend and carry the torch of freedom. Soldiers respond to the call of our nation which is democratically elected and charged with responding to the will of the people under our Constitution. Soldiers are not politicians nor do they weigh in on political issues.

Their allegiance is to the Constitution of the United States and those duly elected to enforce it.

The mayor and Selma City Council recognize and appreciate those who have served as guardians of freedom.

My only plea would be to the citizenry of Selma to show their support by attending ceremonies at Memorial Stadium on Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars, on Memorial Day, and American Legion, on Veterans Day, desperately try to organize programs that will be interesting and informative. The observance on these days are not just for old soldiers, but for the general public.

Let’s build on the attendance for Memorial Day and make Selma the envy of all in Alabama. The Selma Times-Journal, the mayor and the Selma City Council got it right, and together so can we.

James G. Smith

Public Relations Officer

The American Legion Post 20