Seeing the good side of Selma

Published 12:00 am Monday, May 28, 2007

To the Editor:

Lately, every time you hear about Selma in the newspaper or on the news – or just people talking – it is something negative.

Selma is more than “crime” and “racism.” People are always telling us to be proud of Selma, because of its history.

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We want to be proud of Selma for what it is now.

You tell us that we are the future, but how is that future going to be. We watch the news, we read the paper and some of us listen to the council meetings on the radio and we see how our “role models” respond to each other.

We are writing this letter because we are tired of people making Selma look bad.

You see the same problems that we have in Selma in other places like Montgomery, Birmingham, Atlanta, etc.

There are good things going on here and there are a lot of good, hardworking people, although we do wish we had more things to do.

Maya Rudolph, Arnisha Rudolph, Richard Hunter, Kayla Williams, Amanda Jones, Vanessa Pitts and Dashauntt Ballad