Senator, mayor should work it out

Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 20, 2007

To the Editor:

I have always had the highest regard for Sen. Sanders.

I would hate to think where our community and state would be without his leadership during his tenure in the senate.

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When he used a public forum to attack the mayor and reduce himself to name calling for what clearly appears to be a private family issue, he sank to an all time low.

As a senior leader in our community, an attorney and state senator, I would think he would trust our judicial system and not expect preferential treatment for himself or his family in the court system.

It seems the senator has fallen for the age-old tactic of divide and conquer we have been subjected to for over 300 years.

The senator and mayor should be about uniting and building our community and not be the source of division.

I prevail upon the senator and the mayor to be reasonable and to bring peace to our city by submitting to a reconciliation process and cease from further public debate on this issue for the good of our community.

Amos Moore