Preparing students for democracy

Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 7, 2007

To the Editor:

Recent results from high school exit examinations and some other standardized tests have shown that many public school students exhibit a deficit in the areas of science and social studies (history).

Great emphasis is placed on teaching students reading and mathematical skills.

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However, a basic understanding of science and social studies is essential in a child’s educational development.

Public education in America aids to get children ready to live in a democracy.

In order for our nation to strive, children must have an understanding of the political process. One mission of America’s public education is to get schoolchildren to embrace this nation’s form of government and to be good citizens.

The United States will continue to prosper if we educate:

Citizens who are committed to the ideals of democracy.

Citizens committed to the work of the democracy.

Citizens equipped to operate in a democracy.

Citizens who can find common ground in their differences and respect those who have different points of view.

The American Association of School Administrators (AASA) believes that public schools belong to the public. It pays for them.

It is an educator’s professional responsibility to prepare students for civility (conforming to society’s rules).

The ultimate aim of an education is to equip/prepare students to make a good living and to be good citizens.

The continued success of America very heavily depends on quality public schools.

Gerald Shirley


School of Discovery