Stick to the rules of order

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 28, 2007

This past Monday at the Selma City Council meeting, Council President George Evans took a bold step.

He implemented a time limit on agenda items, including reports from the mayor and city attorney.

As it turned out, the mayor went about an hour over his limit, due to a report on an audit.

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Still, it’s a good first step in running city council meetings in an efficient, orderly manner.

Most cities the size of Selma do not have four or five hour meetings. In fact, many councils that deal with a lot more growth issues than Selma,

are in and out in just over an hour.

We are not suggesting cutting a meeting short. Certainly, it is essential for a well-run city that business is conducted during these twice-a-month meetings.

But, most of the Selma City Council meetings fall prey to debate and personal attacks more so than in conducting city business.

This move by Evans will help streamline the process, moving the meetings along in a much more efficient manner.

Of course, for Evans to be able to preside over a well-run meeting, the council members must be willing to adhere to the guidelines he has set.

There’s a question of whether or not that will happen, since some council members have been known to violate Rules of Order altogether.

We commend Council President Evans on this move and ask that those addressing the council stick to the rules.