Enjoy a safe Spring Break

Published 12:00 am Monday, March 26, 2007

If you notice a lot more children running around town during the day, there’s a reason.

It’s Spring Break for public and private schools in Selma and Dallas County.

Whether you’re planning a quick vacation this week

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or staying at home, here’s some safety tips to keep in mind:

Protect your child from the sun. The sun’s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If possible, keep out of the sun during this time. Always use a sunscreen with at least a SPF factor of 15.

Whether at the beach, lake, river or in a backyard swimming pool, never let children swim alone. An adult should always be watching.

Drink plenty of water. Even though we are experiencing the beginning of spring, temperatures are already hitting the mid-80s mark. Sodas don’t count for replenishing fluids.

If traveling, allow plenty of time to reach your destination.

Never leave a child alone in a car.

Plan on making plenty of stops. The driver needs a break, and so do the children.

Set a good example by wearing a seat belt.

For those who will be going about their normal routine this week, take things a little slower.

There will be children playing in yards and running across the street at times when they would normally be in school.

Let’s all watch out for ourselves and one another and enjoy a safe Spring Break.