Shopping for farm land

Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 24, 2007

To the Editor:

Recently, due to a fall backwards down my back porch steps, which caused excessive internal blood loss, I was hospitalized in the emergency room and the intensive care unit for an eight-day period.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the doctors, nurses and entire staff of

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the Vaughan Regional Medical Center for the excellent care and concern shown me … especially the personnel of the emergency room and the second floor intensive care unit, along with the medics of Emergystat Ambulance of Selma … and very especially the kindness of the ladies of ICU No. 2 who went out of their way to care for me day and night and nurse me back to good health … they are angels!

I also thank Dr. Park Chittom II, Dr. Allen Hicks, Dr. Lonnie Felton, Dr. Daniel Clower, Dr. William Hinson and the entire staff of technicians and specialists (X-ray, lab, dieticians, etc.) for their care of me.

I thank God for all these people and their knowledge, skills and abilities to keep us healthy and alive and I particularly thank God for giving me another chance.

I thank my family … all my friends who visited, sent gifts and offered prayers and thoughts in behalf of my recovery … God bless and keep you all.

I almost “bought the farm” but being about $89 short of the “closing cost,” the deal was cancelled for the time being … life is good and I’m very grateful for the chance to stay a while longer. Watch the step! I am thankfully yours,

Frank Phillips