Unite to make it happen

Published 12:00 am Sunday, March 4, 2007

Unity is a feel-good word. It’s all warm and fuzzy. People like to say it –

use it to make us all feel better. And it does. We like to believe we’re all in this together.

Unity is a loaded word as well. The definition of unity is: “Oneness. Together.”

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On Sunday morning at Wallace Community College Selma more than 800 people filled the gym for the Martin and Coretta King Beloved Community Unity Breakfast.

There was a lot of feel-good in the room, in the strictest definition of the word: There was a sense of oneness and togetherness.

That feeling flowed throughout the day.

Even two candidates vying for the same national office stood together to celebrate the 42nd anniversary of Bloody Sunday.

Both U.S. Sens. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., and Barack Obama, D-Ill., walked with thousands of others across the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

We should strive to keep that spirit of unity alive each and every day – not just once a year.

No doubt great things can happen in Selma again, but it will take the same level of commitment, passion and, yes, unity that helped make the Voting Rights Movement a success.

There’s no reason why we can’t come together and achieve our goals to have an economically stable, safe community – and see it in our lifetimes. But, we’ll have to unite to do it.