Replying to Maurine Cook

Published 12:00 am Friday, March 2, 2007

To the Editor:

I was thrilled to see Ms. Cook’s letter in the STJ Feb. 25 edition, responding to my “Lawyer Brown” column on Feb. 18. Also, I am delighted to know that there are three people in Marion who read my “stuff” – the third reader being a friend of mine who happens to support my point of view.

Concerning the labels Ms. Cook credits me with – describing Lawyer Brown – I did refer to Brown as a hard-left Liberal. I thought he would have taken that characterization as a compliment.

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Perhaps he would rather be called a “Progressive.”

In reference to Mr. Brown’s mother, I have heard that she is a wonderful lady and an outstanding author of books. I, too, was blessed with a wonderful mother, an educator and a person of great faith.

Your suggestion that I was “making fun” of the good lawyer because of his superior education and being so well-read is a totally mistaken judgement on your part.

Since you don’t know me, I will explain: I happen to be a very sensitive person and am burdened with a pronounced inferiority complex. I wasn’t “making fun” – I was acquiescing – accepting Mr. Brown’s stature of greatness!

Also, I admit to being under-educated and poorly-read – especially when being compared to a renowned attorney in the ilk of Kirtley Brown.

The thought of having a debate with Brown on any political or social issues is terrifying. Being afflicted with a severe case of shyness, I feel sure that I would become hopelessly tongue-tied.

Therefore, with all things considered, it would probably be best for Mr. Brown to stick with his law practice and the New York Times.

As for me, I will continue reading my comic books and pecking away on my ancient, manuel Underwood.

As an old saying goes, “Ignorance is Bliss.” Could that be a Nigerian proverb, too, or is it biblical?

Byrd Looper