Pranks not very funny
Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 24, 2007
There may have been a time when prank phone calls were funny. Not any longer.
Since the events of Sept. 11, 2001, officials take bomb threats very seriously. Even if they were made by a teen thinking of it as a prank.
Police arrested and charged a 15-year-old Selma High student Thursday with just such an offense – making prank calls to local public schools from her cellular phone.
But using a cell phone doesn’t protect the caller from being identified.
New technology allows the 9-1-1 call center to track emergency calls placed by cell phones.
And because of issues of homeland security, bomb threats and prank phone calls to public places are considered a felony.
You may recall that earlier this month, two men were arrested in Boston in connection with electronic light boards that showed a cartoon character giving the finger.
The placement of these light boards in sites like bridges and under highway overpasses caused the closure of several bridges and a stretch of the St. Charles River, according to CNN reports.
In the current climate, there is no place for prank phone calls, bomb threats or other seemingly “harmless” threats.
Those who commit such acts – even if they are teens or marketing personnel – should face a stiff penalty.