LEPC prepares for worst

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 24, 2007

On Tuesday, members of the Local Emergency Planning Committee held a meeting concerning a flu pandemic.

The purpose is not to panic the public. It is to prepare emergency response personnel in the event of such an emergency.

A flu pandemic is defined by the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) as a global outbreak of influenza – a respiratory disease – that spreads quickly from person to person.

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A pandemic cannot be exactly predicted nor can the severity of it, but governments around the world are getting prepared. Vaccines and medications are being stockpiled, research is being conducted and viruses are being monitored worldwide.

There are some precautions you can take to keep yourself – and family members – protected from the flu:

Wash your hands often

Use hand sanitizers

Cover your cough

Social distancing as it relates to sick people – this includes staying home from work or school if you have something infectious.

Disinfect commonly shared items.

There is also more you can do to help the community as a whole.

The LEPC is forming a subcommittee consisting of representatives from healthcare, first responders, government, education, business, communications and faith-based sectors.

There are 10 volunteer positions left unfilled. Individuals interested can contact EMA Deputy Director Pam Cook at 874-2589.

Like the old saying, let’s “Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.”