Let’s get healthier in Dallas County

Published 12:00 am Monday, January 22, 2007

More than 127 million adults in the United States are overweight, according to the American Obesity Association.

In southern states, 23 percent of the adult population is considered overweight.

Those are serious statistics, especially when you consider that obesity increases the risk of illness by about 30 serious medical conditions, as well as earlier onset of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, impaired mobility and increases in deaths from all causes, according to the AOA.

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Local resident Marquita Thomas, 27, said her weight was keeping her from going out and enjoying life.

Thomas is one of six Dallas County women who will tell their stories of weight loss in a series of articles over the next couple of weeks.

It takes a lot of strength, self control and motivation to change your eating habits and lose weight. Anyone who has ever tried will tell you that.

It also takes a lot of courage for these women to tell their stories, and we appreciate that they have shared their experiences.

Each has their own reason for the weight gain, and their own motivation for finally doing something about it.

We believe others can be inspired by these stories and, at the very least, can be more understanding of what those with a weight problem go through and how difficult life can be for them.

We thank these women for having the courage to share, and hope others will be motivated to make changes in their lifestyles as well.

By encouraging one another, we can have a healthier community.