Don’t forget to honor Lee

Published 12:00 am Saturday, January 13, 2007

To the Editor:

2007 is the year of Lee. We will be celebrating Robert Edward Lee’s birthday on Monday, Jan. 15.

Unfortunately, we have to share it with an unsavory and less than admirable character like Martin Luther King who was prone to misusing civil rights donations.

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And as usual, the King celebrations will be in the news and on television, and the Lee celebrations will be pushed aside.

It is unfortunate, but conservatives, libertarians, Christians, Confederates, and Southerners will still show up at the capitol, the first White House of the C.S.A., and historical sites across the continent to honour the holy memory of one of the greatest generals, military leaders, Christians, family men, and educators that Europe has ever produced.

Marse Robert fought for the losing side, but he certainly fought for the right side. If he had won, we would all be a free people today. 2007 is the Year of Lee. It is now that we seek to better ourselves using the values, virtues, principles, and ideals Marse Robert emulated.

M. Benjamin Abernathy
