Commit to helping DCHS

Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 11, 2007

Early public schools in America were sparsely decorated, the design was simple and often students of all ages sat in a one-room schoolhouse, according to a program prepared by PBS.

The importance of education was evident as the community pitched in to help the school. Farmers provided wood for the stove. Parents built the desks and took turns cleaning and stocking supplies.

Those days have changed and we now have schools with high technology, and using cutting edge teaching techniques.

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But, the needs are much the same, and the community, once again, is being asked to pitch in.

Dallas County High School in Plantersville is beginning to show its age.

A Chili with the Children dinner was held Tuesday night to jump start school fundraising efforts.

Alabama State Representative Yusuf Salaam donated $25,000 to the effort and the town of Valley Grande’s mayor Tom Lee said they’d be willing to do whatever is necessary, having contributed $20,000 over the years.

That’s a start.

But parents are being asked to make a commitment to volunteer, and to make donations.

In addition to restoring the school building, Lee wants DCHS to house a state of the art technology center. “There’s absolutely no reason this school can’t be a center for technology,” he said. “There are better things out there for this school.”

A work day is set for Saturday, Jan. 20.

You’re not being asked to chop wood or build desks. Just make a commitment to get involved.