What’s your New Year’s resolution?

Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Selma Times-Journal

Few New Year’s resolutions lead to real change, but some Selmians are hoping to break the mold in 2007.

“I’m going to try to change my attitude,” said Chiquita Earl, an employee at Radio Shack on Broad Street. “I have a terrible attitude sometimes.

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“I’m going to become a nicer person in 2007… a little more patient.”

Mason Harris, who owns Cahaba Furniture on Broad Street, strives to “become a better man” and make everybody else happy.

John R. Davis, who works at Robes and Gowns on Broad Street, said he’s resolved to lose weight for the past 30 years.

“I hadn’t made it yet,” he said.

While he hasn’t kept his weight loss promise, Davis is serious about his 2007 resolution.

“I want to re-enter the pastory and enhance my ministry,” he said.

Cassandra C. Smith, who works at the state probation and parole office downtown, said, “My New Year’s resolution is to pay off some credit cards, pay off some bills and make $10,000 extra.”

Smith’s co-worker, Nancy Irvy, chimes in, “I want to pay my car off and I want to purchase a home.”

It is believed New Year’s resolutions date back 4,000 years ago, when the Babylonians established the first day of the calendar year – March 23. In Roman mythology Janus, who is hailed as the god of beginnings and the guardian of doors and entrances, was placed at the head of the calendar on Jan. 1. With two faces, Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future. Janus soon became the ancient symbol of resolutions and many Romans sought forgiveness from their enemies and exchanged gifts before the beginning of each year.

According to a recent survey, health-related resolutions are the most popular, particularly pledges to lose weight, exercise more and quit smoking. Financial resolutions come in second, with many vowing to increase savings, conquer debt and avoid frivolous spending. Other popular resolutions include sustaining relationships with friends and family members, being more patient with co-workers and improving communication skills.