Honoring those who serve on school board

Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 31, 2006

To the Editor:

The month of January marks Alabama’s 14th annual School Board Recognition Month.

The faculty, staff, and student body at the School of Discovery Genesis Center salute members of the Selma City Board of Education for their contributions to public education.

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Alabama’s theme, “Making a World of Difference,” exemplifies the leadership and quality decision-making of our local board of education.

The Selma City Board of Education makes “stars out of students.”

These board members devote countless hours at no pay to the oversight of the school district’s operations.

They are ordinary people who have an extraordinary dedication to our local public schools.

School board members have a tremendous impact on the quality of life of the entire Selma community.

These outstanding individuals are Mr. Benjamin Givan, Dr. Kirit D. Chapatwala, Mrs. Debra Reeves-Howard, Dr. Anne Fitts, Rev. Coley Chestnut, Mr. James E. Terry, Junior, Mr. John Williams, Mr. David Hagood, and Mrs. Barbara Stapp-Hiouas.

School board members assist educators in preparing today’s students to become tomorrow’s productive citizens.

Each is held in high esteem, and brings a wealth of knowledge to the school system’s governing body.

Selma and the central Black Belt region of Alabama have a bright future.

Gerald Shirley


School of Discovery