Council should show up

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 19, 2006

On Monday night the Selma City Council met for its only time this month.

Unfortunately, there was not a quorum present, so no city business could be conducted.

Those who did attend discussed the possible reasons for the lack of a quorum. These reasons included a concern voiced by Councilman Cecil Williamson that items on the agenda could have kept some council members from attending.

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If that’s the case, our council members are not doing the jobs we elected them to do.

Even if an elected official opposes something on the agenda, they have an obligation to show up and defend their position – for the sake of their constituents if not for themselves.

Another possible reason for the absences was the Youth Ambassador Christmas program, which was scheduled the same night as the council meeting. Several council members attended that event.

Someone should have taken this in consideration when setting the schedule for these events, since the Youth Ambassador program comes under the auspices of the city council.

We elect our representatives with the expectation they will – at the least – show up to represent us.

Let’s hold them accountable to do just that in the future.