HeadStart students learn

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 9, 2006

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The Selma-Dallas County Public Library has accomplished a major goal, and the effort is beginning to pay dividends.

Librarian Becky Nichols said they are completing a program that included bringing every HeadStart student in Dallas County to the library. Every Friday there have been 20 preschoolers attending the program called “Just For HeadStart,” which has hosted 22 classes.

The last group, Salem HeadStart from Orrville, visited the library on Friday for Rainbow Fish, a story about sharing and caring. They even got to make paper fish in the Carol Leet Bush Children’s Room, and take them home.

Nichols, who is working on compiling statistics for the year, said her numbers showed interest of small children is increasing, evidenced in the number of books being checked out by junior patrons.

“We’ve also hosted every first grader in Selma and Dallas County this year,” Nichols said. “And, every first grader in Selma and Dallas County has a library card.”

According to the library’s annual comparative report, there were 45,384 books checked out of junior circulation last year.

This year, there have been 50,675 books checked out. Total memberships also increased.

Last year there were 28,044, and this year there were 32,230 memberships.

“This has really worked for us,” Nichols said. “We are introducing them to the library – some for the very first time,” Nichols said. “Maybe we’ll spark that little something that’ll keep them interested in reading.”