Shop local this season

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 6, 2006

The Selma-Dallas County Chamber of Commerce is implementing a new program to promote local shopping – not just during the holiday season, but all year long.

Shop Selma & Save, a member-to-member discount program, gives discount cards to employees of all Chamber-member businesses.

About 10,000 cards are being distributed to the approximately 400 member businesses.

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As part of the Shop Selma & Save program, employees of Chamber members will receive a card giving them access to a 10 percent discount offered by member stores.

The goal is to encourage these employees to shop at other Chamber businesses. In addition, another goal is to get residents into stores and businesses that they may have never traded with before.

While not all chamber businesses are offering discounts, all employees of chamber businesses are eligible to receive the discount card, making it a perk for the employees.

Businesses will be added to the list, so check the chamber’s Web site for updates (

This is a good way to encourage local shopping. With a 10 percent discount card for area retail businesses and restaurants, there’s no down-side to the program.

We hope that Chamber businesses will participate by offering discounts, as well as handing out the discount cards to employees and encouraging them to trade with local businesses.