We have reasons to say thanks

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Today is Thanksgiving – traditionally our national holiday set aside just for giving thanks. And most of us have plenty to be thankful for.

We live in a country where we have plenty of food – as most of us will prove at the dinner table today.

Of course, there is poverty and hunger, but where they exist,

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groups are ready to jump in and provide the necessities.

Our community is a generous one, with many of these nonprofit agencies and charities being home-grown efforts.

We are fortunate that we do not live in a country torn apart by war. Many in the Middle East, in African nations, and in hot spots in South America, are in daily danger from their own governmental regimes, or from rebels.

We are fortunate that we have access to some of the best medical care in the world.

Of course, there are millions of workers in this country – and in the South – who are uninsured. When they most need the quality of care that’s available, they may not qualify for it. That’s an area of concern in which we should demand action on the part of the federal government.

In Alabama, and throughout the nation, we have parks and open areas that have been set aside for our enjoyment. The ability to step out in nature and enjoy God’s creation is truly something to be grateful for. It’s also an asset we should continue to protect.

Throughout the holiday season this year, local residents will enjoy an abundance unheard of throughout most of the world.

We’ll shop for things we don’t need. Our grocery stores are lined with such a variety of items that we often have difficulty choosing.

Today, let’s be thankful for what we have, and remember to reach out to those who are less fortunate. Not just today, but every day.