Help make a miracle happen
Published 12:00 am Monday, November 20, 2006
To the Editor:
I know you have heard it said wherever you see God working join Him.
Last Monday, Annie Laurie Williams’ Sunday School class was given a tour of God’s Miracle Ranch in Dallas County.
It is really a miracle in the making. Each stage of the building from the land being donated to the foundation on up to the roof that is now being installed has been given by people who God has spoken to.
It is to be a home for at risk, abused and neglected children who have nowhere else to go. They will be nurtured mentally, physically and spiritually by a Christian couple, a man and his wife.
This was a vision given to Donnie Shumate. He and the others on the board are following that vision.
Dr. Park Chittom, president of the board, said it is so exciting to see God come through when it is time to go to the next phase of building.
He always comes through on time.
The exterior work is almost finished. It will be exciting watching as He provides for the interior of the building and furnishings for the bathrooms, kitchen, game room, dining room, great room and, of course, the bathrooms.
This is just one area in which God is working. If you feel led to join in this miracle, I’m sure He will gladly welcome you in as one of His miracle workers.
God’s Miracle Ranch is totally funded by individuals. The average donation received is $50 to $100, just from people who have a heart for the Lord.
If you would care to donate your time, materials, money and prayers, call or write Connie Parr, administrative director, God’s Miracle Ranch, P.O. Box 451, Selma, AL 36702-0451. Phone: (334) 875-4272.
This is a God thing. Whatever amount the Lord lays on your heart will be greatly appreciated.
I believe He might be calling all of us together to get this miracle finished for Him. We can do this, Selma, if we all join in.
Ann Brackin