God sends angels

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 16, 2006

To the Editor:

On Nov. 7, early in the morning, my husband lay on the ground under the pecan tree from a heart attack.

Angie, who works at the Chamber of Commerce, was on her way to work when she passed my house. She saw my husband laying under the tree. She said “that just doesn’t look right” and turned around and came back to check on him. She then flagged an Alabama Power truck and asked him if he would help her.

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I don’t remember his name, but I am sure God knows his name. She then called 9-11, CARE Ambulance. They stayed with him until he came to and told her my name and where I worked.

A big thanks to Angie, the Alabama Power employee, CARE Ambulance, Vaughan Regional Medical Center, the doctor and nurses.

May God richly bless all of you.

Ruth Lewis