All questions answered in land deal

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 9, 2006

To the Editor and the citizens of Selma:

The point of confusion about the land purchase transaction comes from the mayor trying to work with the city council through the council president. This is not the first time the mayor has met with President Evans and they left their meeting in agreement only to find out that once they went public, Mr. Evans had waffled or changed his position.

Neither the mayor nor the president is a bad person, but they are very different. The mayor is decisive. The president of the council is not decisive. That difference makes it impossible for them to meet and agree because as seen many times, the agreement will not stick because the president cannot stand up to the pressure from those people who simply hate the mayor for no reason.

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Therefore, when dealing with major transactions, it is incumbent upon the mayor to always communicate with all members of the city council at the same time and not try to rely on the president to lead the city council.

The information all the experts shared with us last Tuesday night is the same information we already had. And when I called the mayor with my questions, he immediately got me answers.

To me, it makes no sense for a responsible person who is trying to make the right decision, to have questions and then sit back and wait for someone to call them to ask them, do they have any questions?

It seems to me that a responsible person with a question would pick up the telephone, send an e-mail, or stop by the office, and ask the question.

I believe that all the questions have been answered. Not a single expert found a reason that should cause us not to move forward. The mayor has spoon-fed those who needed it. The confusion should be over.

Now I am going to ask my colleagues to come together and vote in favor on this land transaction as soon as soon as possible. We need to finish this business. Stay tuned for the final vote.

Johnnie Leashore

Selma City Council

Ward 6

Thank goodness election is over

To the Editor:

TGIO! Thank God it’s over!

That’s my best description for how I feel after this very dirty election.

I am tired of signs on the street; I am tired of the TV ads that only tell how bad the other candidate is without telling what they stand for.

In my memory this is the absolute worst election, nationally and locally, in promoting their candidacy.

Although I understand the feeling of not wanting to vote so that nobody gets my vote, I understand that I need to have a voice, even though it may be drowned out by the foolishness of what campaigning have become.

If it is worse than this in 2008, there may be a revolt of the electorate against ALL politicians.

I have an idea, why not fire ALL career politicians and get back to the common man being a representative of the people?

To elect someone whose stated qualifications are because they say they know how the system works is the least common denominator for our elected officials.

I may be naive, but I still think &8220;Mr. Smith Goes To Washington&8221; could work.

The best thing about this election is that we don’t have to endure another one for two years!

Peace at last!

Wayne Craft