Much at stake Nov. 7

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 30, 2006

To the Editor:

Many citizens of Alabama are disenchanted with government and politics.

However, this is not a reason to sit out the election on Nov. 7.

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Some already predict that fewer than half of Alabamians will go to polls to decide our future leaders.

The voting process gives us an opportunity to change the direction of our state.

This should give everyone a reason to exercise their right to vote.

On Nov. 7, there is a real opportunity to change the way the Alabama Legislature operates. By electing conservative candidates we can dramatically change the face of the Alabama State Legislature.

Our legislative leadership should be beholden to us, their constituents, and not beholden to powerful political bosses or special interests.

We have a chance to send energetic, conservative reformers to Montgomery who can begin to set us on a path of long term prosperity.

Always remember that our elected officials work for us.

Your involvement in the political process is critical. Without your voice, failed policies continue and progressive policies may never be heard. No one should ever underestimate the importance of one vote.

There is much at stake on Nov. 7. I encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote – it is a precious freedom that we enjoy but of which few take advantage.

Wes Allen