Public service

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 16, 2006

Selma Digital Opportunity AmeriCorps program begins today

Staff Report

Today 25 members of Selma Digital Opportunity AmeriCorps Program will begin its seventh year of serving residents of Selma and surrounding areas.

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But before the group begins its work, Selma Mayor James Perkins Jr. left them with some words of advice.

Defining the program as an &8220;extension of local government&8221; Perkins advised the group &8220;to deliver public service with a smile.&8221;

According to director Gwendolyn Cleveland, the objectives of the program are to provide computer literacy training, technical assistance and to tutor and mentor. Upcoming service projects include assisting the Selma City School System as they sponsor a Math and Science Fun Day on the campus of Concordia College on Saturday, Oct. 21, 2006; National Make a Difference Day, which is a national day of service on Saturday, Oct. 28, 2006, where members of the community are encouraged to make a difference in the life of someone else. Selma Digital Opportunity is asking the members of the community to celebrate National Family Volunteer Day on Saturday, Nov. 18.

Selma Digital Opportunity encourages families to come out and assist them in a community service project on that day. If the members of Selma Digital Opportunity and AmeriCorps Program can be of assistance to you please feel free to contact Cleveland at (334) 874-2410. The free computer classes, which are offered by the program, will begin on Monday, Oct. 23, 2006 and will continue in six-week intervals. There are two types of classes being offered: the Beginning Computer Class and an Advanced Computer Class.