Shine light on city business

Published 12:00 am Monday, October 2, 2006

The city of Selma has been considering the purchase of a piece of property – approximately 120 acres for $1 million.

Many of the discussions held concerning the property have taken place in executive session. That’s perfectly legal, according to the Sunshine Law of Alabama, which allows for discussion on the purchase of property to take place behind closed doors. The intent of the law, however, is to keep information, such as the amount that will be offered, from going public, in case another buyer is in the bidding.

In the case of this piece of property, the amount of money being asked it out there and there has been no mention of another party seeking to make the purchase.

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The city council would do well to take care of this business – the spending of $1 million of taxpayer money – in the public eye.