Headed to prison

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sex offender’s probation revoked

By Victor Inge

The Selma Times-Journal

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A Selma man whose previous alleged sexual misconduct landed him on probation, is now headed to prison after having his probation revoked.

Dallas County Circuit Judge Marvin Wiggins continued Michael Jerome Green’s case of failure to register as a sex offender last month. On Thursday, Green was before Wiggins again.

Green, 34, had been convicted of second degree sexual abuse recently in Selma Municipal Court for lifting an 11-year-old girl’s skirt, and rubbing on her, the girl testified. The conviction spurred Wiggins to revoke Greens’ probation on a previous sexual misconduct and send him to prison. He will serve the remainder of his 10-year sentence.

Green had been on probation for the Sept. 10, 2004, first degree sexual abuse conviction in circuit court for improprieties with a 9-year-old girl.

His attorney, P. Vaughan Russell, maintained Green had no representation in municipal court, and that he “substantially complied” with the terms of his probation. Green’s mother also testified that her son had been in “a bad relationship” which precipitated the earlier charge.

Prosecutors had asked the court to revoke Green’s probation last month, after being arrested on a warrant when he ran into a Selma Police Department recruitment training session at Craig Field. Officers recognized him and a check revealed he had failed to register as a sex offender. Failure to register is a felony and Green’s charge is still pending, court officials said.

“We’re going to continue to crack down on child molesters and rapists,” said Michael Jackson, district attorney. Jackson’s office has been making sure all of the sex offenders had registered with the Dallas County Sheriffs Office. Assistant DA Shannon Lynch said she was looking over old court records to make sure sex offenders were in compliance with the law.