Continue making upgrades

Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 10, 2006

The terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001, made an indelible impression on the hearts and souls of Americans.

Everywhere you go, people can tell you where they were when they heard the news.

They remember the feeling that grabbed hold of them, and some still struggle with anger.

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On Monday, the nation will commemorate the fifth anniversary of the tragedy, which killed approximately 2,700 people.

It’s important that we do stop and take time to remember, honoring those who died and praying for our servicemen and women who still fight the War on Terror.

But, it’s also important that we use 9-11 to make improvements and upgrades in emergency management and first response, in order to be better prepared in the future.

Communities across the country, including Dallas County, have done just that.

With funds made available through the Department of Homeland Security, equipment has been purchased that upgrades the communications system. This will enable different agencies to talk with one another whether responding to a vehicle accident or a major disaster.

Communication was a key component in the tragedy at the World Trade Center twin towers, when police officers and fire fighters were unable to talk with one another.

This should never be an issue again. Dallas County Emergency Management is in a much better position today than it was five years ago. Let’s continue to upgrade equipment and training when necessary.