Lowndes officials did well

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Lowndes County Commissioners did a fine job at Monday’s meeting. Following a 3-2 commission vote, the controversy surrounding whether or not the construction and demolition landfill would be coming to Lowndes County abruptly came to an end.

It all came to an end with a 28-second standing ovation. The commissioners heard both sides and chose the side that put them in office – the residents of Lowndes County –

and voted no to the landfill.

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Once the meeting was adjourned, Alabama River Partners, LLC (ARP) immediately left the courthouse. Pleased with the commission’s decision, Citizens for a Clean Black Belt (CCBB) Chairwoman Tina Moon said a landfill was not the answer for Lowndes County’s prosperity. “I don’t think it’s over, she said. “Our county needs to pass a resolution that would prevent landfills from coming in unless they have more stringent requirements – things like an economic and environmental assessment.”

The CCBB fought hard in an attempt to get their message across to the commissioners and members of their community. They raise another subject whereby asking the commission to pass a resolution that would outline what the community would and would not accept as it relates to landfills.

The efforts in fighting the ARP development have resulted in positives that have come from this situation.

There now is no question that the people of Lowndes County can come together for a common cause. With that information it will be interesting to see where they go from here.