None of ‘martyrs’ were killed in Selma

Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 17, 2006

To the Editor:

Here we go again! In an otherwise compelling story about the 40th anniversary of the death of Jonathan Daniels in Hayneville, my friend, Alston Fitts, mentioned the “other “Selma martyrs,” Jimmy Lee Jackson, the Rev. James Reeb and Viola Liuzzo.”

I suppose that by his use of quotations marks around “Selma martyrs,” Mr. Fitts is able to take literary license which may give some the impression that these people were killed in Selma.

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So that our posterity will not think the streets of Selma in 1965 were running with the blood of “martyrs,” let’s remember that none of these people were killed in Selma.

Cecil Williamson
