911 getting equipment upgrades

Published 12:00 am Monday, August 14, 2006

The Selma Times-Journal

In times of emergency, those in distress need prompt action.

Dick Bean, 911 Administrative Coordinator, , reported to the Dallas County Commission Monday that 911 is replacing and upgrading some crucial equipment with “state of the art equipment.”

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“I’m not here to ask you for any money. I’m just here to report to you since you are the reporting authority for the 911 board,” said Bean.

“All of this is costing approximately $350,000, all funded by the 911 board through the fees that we collect over a five-year period,” he said.

The ALI/ANI controller and radio console will be replaced while a mapping system will be added.

According to Bean, the Ali/ANI controller manages incoming calls like a “big caller I.D” which lets the operator know the callers name, address.

“It will even include the capability to take calls from voice over the internet when that comes to Dallas County,” said Bean.

The radio console is used to dispatch calls to responding emergency services such as the fire or police departments.

The mapping system, which will be a new addition, will be capable of displaying the location of a cell phone caller on a map.

“The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires that the 911 districts be able to take a cell phone call and from that call be able to locate automatically where that cell phone call is coming from,” said Bean.

The mapping system will also be used by the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for reverse 911 calling where there is a need to call citizens in the event of an evacuation or

“The package also includes a new 911 road identification map,” says Bean.

“We will be putting out a new map that will replace the one we did in 2000.

As changes are made in the future, we will not have to redo the whole map because we will, through this software, have the capability of changing a page indicating that a road has been added or taking a road out.”

Bean said this upgrade package is part of a renewal program that requires that the equipment be replaced every five years.

According to Bean, the service fees may increase in 2010 based upon the consumer price index.

At the top of the meeting, members of the Dallas County 4-H club were presented with trophies for their first, second and third place awards in the 2006 Region Congress.

Before Judge Johnny Jones and County extension Coordinator, Callie Nelson, presented the trophies, Shelby Hadder shared her first place Public Speaking speech with the commission on drinking less soda and Darianne Allen shared her speech about teen suicide.

All honorees received encouraging words by the commission and applause by the commission and the attending public before exiting for a pizza party.

In other business:

County approved $389.76 reimbursement to Coroner Alan Dailey for 16 hours of coroner education classes.

Jackie Caldwell Phillips asked the commission to include $17,000 for Red Cross as the comission works through the budget for 2007 – 10 percent increase over last year.

Liquor license approved for Ken’s Country Store.

Commission renews contract for Senior Aids Program.

Commission approves oil bid from PARR, Inc. for $2.5025 per gallon.

EMA director Brett Howard announced public Flood Ready meeting to be held Tues. at 5:30 p.m. in Commission courtroom.

Commission approved

$1,800 for a new food warmer for the Varner training facility.

Commission approved $4,660.32 for chairs for Judges Meigs and Wiggins’ courtrooms to be paid by the county and the same dollar amount will be picked up by the Administrative Office of Courts for chairs for Judge Tommy Jones’ courtroom.