Special Needs Day Celebration
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 13, 2006
To the Editor:
Joe Calton Bates Special Needs Day gives the consumers and public a notable reason to tour disabilities museum, celebrate accomplishments, successes, disabilities and at risk awareness of the special needs population to teach diversity in the community.
Also, spotlight special needs students who are never recognized or included in any high standard education; public awareness or clubs even though they are honor students and enrolled in honor placement. Mental Health and Mental Retardation are recognized with Special Olympics activities, which is intended to address mental illness, mental retardation and developmental delayed population abilities to excel and be successful. Special needs students, which include Medical Fragile, Dyslexic, Learning Disabilities and Dyslexic with a Learning Disability, include high functional students, respectfully “Gifted” and “Talented” students with a specific learning disability (e.g. reading and math).
In 1999, Selma and Dallas County disabilities public awareness of special needs and children with disabilities made it possible for District 7 counties, and children with disabilities nationwide receive recognition and support by local, state, national and United States presidents, representatives, Congressmen, boards of education, legislators, agencies, district and federal judges, renown organizations and associations.
Disabilities member was excluded from the Alabama Children’s Policy Council and the Dallas County Children Policy; however, Dallas County and other Children’s Policy Council Chairmen had the discretions to elect disabilities member, but did not.
In addition, disabilities public awareness inspired support from Alabama representatives and the Legislature changes for the “Introduction of Disabilities Member to the Alabama Children’s Policy Council” (e.g. propose an amendment to Section 12-15-133, Code of Alabama). Formulation of the only Multi Needs Center of its kind in Alabama designed exclusively for children with special needs (e.g. after school, summer, job training, juvenile offenders, alternative programs with crime prevention and health care curriculum). Including the only “Disabilities Educational Museum” and Joe Calton Bates Special Needs Foundation that provides scholarships and community services credit for deserving students that are at risk or affiliated with special needs students.
The United States Department of Labor that commemorates 60 years since the United States Congress established October as the month to recognize the contributions Americans with disabilities are making in the workplace. However, 60 years later, SDAP and Founder Carolyn C. Bates have been and are experiencing city and county-wide collectively discrimination for exercising the right as an American with disabilities in the workplace to represent, rehabilitate, train and educate special needs children with academic and behavior difficulties. The lack of special needs education and public awareness is the direct cause
of intention and unintentional discrimination in society.
A United States Commission calls for greater work opportunities for people with mental illness. A new document recommended radical change in the United States mental health services system was recently released. Entitled, “Transforming Mental Health Care in America,” the document details a series of far-reaching initiatives, some of which focus on the career recovery and employment of people with mental illness. No person should be forced into mental treatments, judge, labeled or deemed as mentally ill or any other disorders prior to professional and complete diagnostic assessments and evaluations by a licensed psychiatrist or child psychiatrist.
Many people experience undiagnosed disabilities that affect their daily lives. These people are ashamed to inform family members and seek professional help due to misunderstanding and under representation of the special needs population. Joe Calton Bales Special Needs Day will resolve stigma associated with disabilities and mental illness that affect many people who are members of the population.
Carolyn C. Bates