Bears improve over the summer

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Selma Times-Journal

Coach Harry Crum’s early off-season disappointment has finally worn off. His Keith High School Bears struggled with attendance during summer workouts early in the season, but now the numbers have begun to pick up.

Despite the lack of numbers, the 2A squad that finished last season with a mark of 1-9 continued to plug along, the whole time focusing on getting better as a team.

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Crum has implemented part of the Bigger, Faster, Stronger workout regime into the Bears’ lifting program. The BFS system focuses on using core lifts, bench press, squat and clean, to strengthen athletes during the offseason and on into the regular season.

Despite the small numbers, Crum has found leaders, something he said that last year’s senior-laden squad lacked.

Crum also pointed to the work ethic of Clyde Moise and Brandon Walls. Moise will see time at the cornerback position and Walls will be playing the noseguard position after starting as an eighth grader last season.

Starting Aug. 1 Keith High School will begin summer practices with two-a-days in helmets and shorts. For three days, the Bears will practice at 9 a.m., and then at 5 p.m., before the start of school.

The first day in full gear will be Aug. 4.