Postman delivers aid to girl
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 13, 2005
the Selma times-journal
Howard Crawford says he’s not a hero, just someone who happened to be in the right place at the right time. His co-workers at the Selma Post Office, on the other hand, believe otherwise.
They say they are proud of Crawford and the actions he took to come to the aid of a young child.
Crawford, who has been a Selma mail carrier for the past seven years, was making his way along his regular postal route last month when he witnessed a horrific accident.
Two children, a boy and girl, were riding their bicycles across the intersection of North Church Street and Dawson Avenue when a SUV came at them at a high rate of speed.
Sitting in his mail truck, Crawford said all he could do was &8220;sit and gasp&8221; as the SUV struck the young girl.
The boy riding managed to make it safely across the street.
The moment after the accident happened, Crawford said his instincts kicked in and he took action.
As an U.S. Army Reserves medic with the 75th Combat Support Hospital in Tuscaloosa for the past 17 years, Crawford has had plenty of experience dealing with tense medical emergency situations.
Crawford said he then rushed over to the girl and performed a &8220;quick triage.&8221;
When the ambulance arrived on the scene about 10 minutes later, Crawford said he told the paramedics about the girl’s condition and what had happened.
Crawford said he later found out that the girl did not receive any major injuries or broken bones from the accident.
Timika Bynog, Crawford’s supervisor at the post office, said Crawford’s reaction to the accident is &8220;typical of his personality.&8221;
Selma Postmaster James A. Howard said everyone at the post office are &8220;very proud&8221; of Crawford’s actions.
Crawford, who never learned the girl’s name, said anyone in his situation would have done the same thing.
Crawford, who recently returned from a tour of duty in West Point, N.Y., may eventually be saving the lives of even more of his fellow countryman.
Crawford said there is a rumor that his unit will be called back to active duty and sent overseas.