Police seek suspect in gas station robbery
Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 8, 2005
Selma police are looking for the suspect involved in the Thursday night robbery of the Junction Amoco on Highway 14 East.
Lt. David Evans, Selma Police spokesperson, said an unidentified suspected entered the Amoco around 10:15 p.m. Thursday brandishing a gun.
He pointed the gun at the female attendant on duty and demanded that she go to the back of the store, according to police reports
“She complied and then the suspect took the money drawer from the cash register,” Evans said.
The suspect fled the scene with around $200, according to the report.
Evans said no injuries were reported during the incident.
No arrests have been made in this case, but police obtained a security video of the robbery.
With this evidence, Evans said, it is likely that police will make an arrest soon.