In Memory of Civil War dead
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Under the mossy oaks surrounding the graves of Confederate soldiers at Old Live Oak Cemetery, a group of 45 men, women and children sang
the popular Civil War-era tune “Dixie.”
The impromptu chorus was the culmination of a brief ceremony on Tuesday honoring Selma’s Confederate soldiers.
City Councilman Cecil Williamson gave the invocation at the Confederate Memorial Day service, followed by County Commissioner Roy Moore, who read a proclamation declaring April as Confederate History and Heritage Month in Dallas County.
A small wreath was then placed in front of the Confederate monument dedicated to soldiers who died during the War.
One of those who attended the ceremony was Catesby Jones, whose namesake great-grandfather was a captain in the Confederacy and is buried in the cemetery.
“I have attended this (Confederate Memorial Day service) as long as I can remember,” Jones said. “It’s an impressive and important event to honor our descendants of the Confederacy. I just wish more young people would come, but they don’t realize their family history until they get older.”
The memorial was sponsored by the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Col. Christopher C. Pegues Camp #62, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Selma Chapter #53, Order of the Confederate Rose, Meriam Beck Forrest Chapter #9, and Friends of Forrest, Inc.