Peoples Bank gives branch to schools
Published 12:00 am Thursday, March 10, 2005
The People’s Bank and Trust Company has turned over the deed to the Plantersville branch bank to the Dallas County School System, Superintendent Wayne May announced on Tuesday.
May told school board members during their meeting at Shiloh Elementary School that if proper funding is found, the bank building could possibly be used as a library.
Susan Jones, principal of Dallas County High School, initiated the deed transfer after she noticed the bank had closed.
“I got to thinking about the building and started investigating the possibility of a community library,” Jones said. “There are lots of funds available for rural libraries and we’ve been in touch with Sen. (Richard) Shelby’s office.”
Jones said the community library could be used in conjunction with the school’s library.
“People here in Plantersville do not have internet access,” Jones said. “We could use the community library as a resource tool to serve Dallas, Chilton and Autauga counties.”
Also during the school board meeting, May recognized J.E. Terry teacher Bonnie Ellison for being named Dallas County Teacher of the Year and Martin Middle School student Andrea Washington for being one of the winners in the county-wide spelling bee.
Administrative Assistant Don Willingham also reported to board members that a group of high school seniors are taking the Alabama High School Graduation Exam this week.
Of the 110 seniors testing at Dallas County High, 18 have not passed all the subjects. At Keith High, 44 seniors tested with 19 who have not passed all the subjects. There are 89 seniors testing at Soothsaid High, with 26 of them not passed all the subjects, according to Willingham.
The school board also placed on first reading a Drug Free policy and Teacher Induction and Mentoring policy. They also approved the agreement renewal with Sardis Churches Unity Fellowship.
Other items on the agenda included:
* Approval of the Southside High Choir to take a trip New York City.
* Approval of the 2005-06 school calendar.
* Approval of a few personnel matters.
* Approval of the HIV policy.
The next school board meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, March 21 at 6 p.m. in the Dallas County Courthouse/Commission Chambers.