Entire city should be proud of James

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Sherri James deserves it.

While she may say she doesn’t feel she does enough, it’s a safe bet that cancer survivors all over the world, who benefit everyday from the research funded by the American Cancer Society, would disagree with her.

James was honored by the American Cancer Society and the Selma City Council for the volunteer work she does for the Relay for Life, Reach for Recovery and several other efforts to fight cancer in this community and everywhere.

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James, a cancer survivor herself, has an even deeper personal connection: her mother.

Having fought cancer for years, James’ mother eventually succumbed to the disease but not before she taught James and her sisters how to live fully, even while battling cancer.

This drive, for James, translated into a tireless struggle to fight the disease, by surviving it, and later, by helping others survive it through fund raising and support work.

James deserves all the accolades from the American Cancer Society, the City Council and anybody else could heap upon her.

James is simply an inspiration to others.

We feel that American Cancer Society Community Director Brenda Tuck was correct when she said her mother would be proud of her.

The Times-Journal would like to add to that statement.

We’re proud of James too.

We’re proud that this city produced one of the best and brightest in the state. We’re proud that James is a part of this community. And we’re proud that she chose to work as hard as she did to achieve everything she did.

Thank you Sherri James and, no matter what you might say, you do deserve it and so much more.