Keeping the Black Belt warm in winter
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 5, 2005
If the Black Belt chapter of the American Red Cross has anything to do about it, nobody will be cold this winter.
The ARC announced its launch of the annual Project SHARE program.
The project supplies disabled and elderly residents with money to heat their homes every year.
More than 300 households or 600 people were helped through a disbursement of $38,000 in funds in Dallas County.
Black Belt ARC Director Jeanette Crusoe hopes to help just as many this year.
“We’ll be doing it until we run out of money,” Crusoe said.
The ARC will begin accepting applications on Jan. 10.
Project SHARE provides money for heating costs during the winter months.
The ARC will pay for electricity, gas, wood, coal, heating oil and even kerosene, depending on the applicants preference and ability to heat their homes.
ARC pays the heating supplier directly.
Part of the funding from the project comes from the donation of individuals on their personal utility bills.
Crusoe said that every time an area resident checks the “donate to Project SHARE” box on their utility bill, that money actually funds efforts in their area.
To qualify for assistance, a family’s income must be within certain guidelines.
Also, the head of the household must be one of the following: 62 or older, receiving a disability check, have a current unpaid utility bill or established need to purchase a source of heating, have insufficient family or community resources to meet energy needs or have assurance from the supplier that payment will result in the restoration/continuation
of services.
For more information, contact the ARC at 334-874-4641.
The ARC is also soliciting donations.
Donations can be sent to P.O.Box 652, Selma, AL, 36702.