Make a deal at the Old Depot

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 12, 2004

Have we got a deal for you!

And it begins at 7 a.m. Saturday – that’s tomorrow – at the Old Depot Museum, that is overflowing with treasures, many from the Harris Lewis house.

Need a good book to read by the fireside when the winds of winter begin to blow?

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Do you have a small girl or boy who sits quietly by your side as the wonders of

Santa, snowmen and elves are revealed in the colorful pages of

holiday books.

Or, maybe the grands are coming to visit during summer vacation, and they need something to do? Just tell them to choose a game or a book from the stacks on those wicker shelves discovered at a yard sale.

Does your lake house or your Gulf Coast cottage need a clothes dryer, one that holds oversize loads of towels and sheets used by those frequent drop-in guests?

Are you an outdoor cookery enthusiast with a reputation for charcoaling the best steaks and barbecued chicken in the neighborhood? And while you’re turning the T-bones, do you like to turn on the music? Oh, you don’t have an outdoor cassette player cum boom box or the CD’s and cassettes to play?

Springs on that family room couch sagging to the floor? Dogs and children and potatoes (couch, that is) take a toll, don’t they? Lounge chairs in just about as bad shape? Ever consider replacing them so that football games and Saturday morning cartoons are watched more comfortably?

Just now the holidays may seem eons away, but Halloween is already past, Thanksgiving is only two weeks away and the wonderful world of Christmas commercials is already filling our television screens, as it does every year. Are your black and gold decorations worn out from too many years of welcoming small ghosts and ghoulies? Is the pumpkin mildewed? Is the tail of your crepe paper gobbler dragging? Has the gilt rubbed off the cornucopia of

wax fruit? Did the Yuletide red and green finally fade into pink and puce? Long to start all over and decorate fresh and new?

Are birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and other gift-giving occasions almost overwhelming? Are you wishing for something different, attractive and affordable to gift-wrap?

If you said “YES” to any or many of the above questions, have we got a deal for you! Once again the greatest yard sale in town is happening at your Old Depot Museum Saturday Nov. 13, and the answers to lots of your household problems will be here for the buying.

First on the agenda we are again offering a silent auction, with a table filled with the unique and unusual. What it contains is well worth the price. There is no admission fee on Saturday when the sale begins at 7 a.m. and ends at noon Choose from period wall sconces, glass and crystal, Wedgwood China, Victorian-style lamps and a holiday carousel. Also, toys, games, paintings, linens and a line-up of decorative items for holidays throughout the year will be available.

All proceeds go to the Old Depot Museum to help us continue to guard and display our Blackbelt heritage for your enjoyment. Saturday. There is no admission charge. Be sure to come in the Water Avenue gate.