Ivan teaches hard lessons
Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 19, 2004
The city of Selma and Dallas County lived through a nightmare. It came with wind and fury and left behind it damage and debris. The nightmare was given the name of Ivan and lived up to its reputation of one of the most dangerous storms to ever hit the Gulf Coast.
However, what it found in our community was we weren’t going to let it keep us down for long. Yes, there are still people without electricity. But literally minutes after the storm passed we had people out working to get it back.
Our power companies, Alabama Power and Pioneer Electric did an awesome job of providing a service that is taken for granted except for instances like Ivan.
The work of the many employees along with volunteers told a story of the passion Selmians and all residents of Dallas County.
Those who waited in the dark rooms of their homes sat in considerable comfort whereas the workers braved in the rain, wind and dark of the night attempting to restore the lights.
We applaud all those that made a difference in our lives by the work and compassion that was shown. We thank you in advance for the work you are continuing to do and know that our community can depend on you.
There are also thanks for the lessons this has taught us.