Solutions to crime in GWC can be found
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 17, 2004
To the editor:
This letter is in response to violent crime and drugs in GWC Homes. I was born and raised in this community and I still love my old neighborhood. GWC Homes has produced teachers, preachers, soldiers, nurses and one astronaut: Col. Green. He lived in apartment 201-B five years ago.
I disagree with Mr. Moss that the crime rate is so high because of the location. GWC has been in the same location for half a century. Mr. Moss has a point, the new generation has no respect for anyone or anything. Not all of the new generation is like this, but just enough to make it dangerous for our kids.
My solution is for the councilman of this ward, Ward 8, to put in some footwork day and night and see who is causing trouble and report it to Mr. Moss and Chief Green.
You can’t run a gate around the whole complex but you can run a 12-feet high brick wall on the back side of GWC on the St. Ann Street side.
This is where over 50 percent of the crime happens in this community. It’s time to take back GWC Homes and make it safe again. One of the teenagers shot last week has returned home after spending five days in Birmingham’s UAB hospital.
She’s now excited about starting school this week.
Bruce L. Holmes Sr.