Calhoun Foods makes a difference

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 10, 2004

The summer months are fading and approaching is the fall. With it come falling leaves, football and school. The time for kids of all ages to get back into the swing of waking up early and studying books rather than the remote control is at hand.

However, the school year bears costs that many in the community are not prepared to handle.

That is where Calhoun’s Foods steps in. This Saturday, August 14 at Bloch Park Calhoun’s will host its annual Back to School Fest.

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The festival is designed for students in pre-K through ninth-grade and will be held from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Employees from Calhoun’s have been devoting a lot of time in preparation for this festival. The result of the work is to put school supplies into the hands of students who without their help would not be able to afford the supplies. The focus is not on why there are not enough dollars to pay for the children’s supplies. The attention is focused on providing the supplies for the kids. Any child who is accompanied by a parent will receive a free grocery sack full of school supplies.

Not only will the kids get the needed stuff for school, there will also be a free immunization check up to make sure the children are up to date with their shots.

This event is one that tells a story of how a local business can make a difference. Last year alone over 5,000, people attended. That number shows how important this work is to the community. If more businesses were to define a role in the community as has Calhoun’s Foods, then Selma would be a better place.

If you haven’t donated there still is time. The store will be accepting donations all the way up to Saturday.