Uniform drive shows best of Selma

Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 8, 2004

Selma students and residents were given a chance to help out others earlier this week, when the city school system held its annual uniform drive.

The drive is held each year to allow underprivileged kids a chance to get uniforms, which any parent can attest to as a problem each year.

Selma’s use of uniforms is to be commended. It allows children to blend in better, which provides fewer distractions from the serious business of education.

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And unlike many things in life, Selma has not only asked parents and students follow these rules they have made it easier to do so with drives like this one.

So each year, every student, no matter his or her economic status, can be assured that they’ll have all the proper attire they need in order to “fit-in.”

For all area students, this is more of an issue than it probably should be.

Luckily, Selma city schools have shown a little foresight in a potentially touchy issue.

Area youth’s get the clothes they need, students wind up with extra points and the financially beleaguered parents of Selma get a little extra help.

Everyone involved in the clothing drive deserves a great deal of thanks from the entire community.

The students who donated clothes, the organizers and the school system all have the appreciation of the Selma Times-Journal.