Program could make Saints speedier

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 29, 2004

Pick your cliche: There is no substitute for speed, speed never goes into a slump.

Whichever philosophy to which you subscribe, the Selma High School Saints are banking on a program designed to help make their football players a step or two quicker in time for the upcoming season.

A dozen Selma High gridiron players recently completed a five-week program at Velocity Sports Performance in Montgomery. The program has helped all 12 of the players lower their times in the 40-yard dash.

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While the improvement in times may seem minute – they vary from two-tenths to four-tenths of a second – the better times could very well translate into a better record for the Saints this season.

“We weren’t a very fast team last year,” Saints head coach Woodrow Lowe

Jr. said. “Their overall form has gotten much better this season. They learned how to run.”

The players took part in the program three times a

week. They learned different techniques for running and stretching to help improve their speed and agility, while also helping limit the number of injuries.

“I advise anyone hoping to play college football to try the program,” said Selma High starting safety/cornerback Rod West. “It teaches you the proper way to run, to use your legs to get the maximum acceleration and speed.”

West recorded one of the best improvements on the team, dropping his time in the 40-yard dash from 4.9 seconds last season to 4.5 seconds this year.

The most marked improvement, according to Lowe, has come from senior offensive tackle Eric Martinear, whose time has dropped from 5.4 seconds to an even five seconds since taking part in the program.

Sophomore linebacker Brian McCrary said the exercises were tiring, yet fun and educating.

“You have different drills and they help you learn different techniques,” said McCrary, who saw his time drop two-tenths of a second to 4.9 seconds. “We needed to learn how to run. Now I can turn in all different directions a lot quicker. This is going to help both the offense and defense.”