An open letter to Sheriff Huffman:

Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 25, 2004

To the Editor:

True compassion and service to others knows no boundaries. We had a need on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 and you provided service for that need.

On behalf of the families we’ve served, the staff of Selma Funeral Home would like to extend our thanks to you and your department for coming to our aid. When asked and without any hesitation you provided Dallas County deputies as escorts for the funeral procession from the Selma Funeral home to New Live Oak Cemetery. The respect shown for these families was greatly appreciated.

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It is an honor for each of us at the Selma Funeral Home to provide a service to the residents of Dallas County, but your assistance on Wednesday was above and beyond any preconceived expectations. You did not have to help but you did and for that we are grateful.

Thank You and God bless you,

Karl Jones and staff of Selma Funeral Home